In africa in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, imperialism was present and growing. Development and progress, political cartoons, imperialism cartoons, colonialism cartoons, historical cartoons. Cecil rhodes stands astride the whole of africa the cartoon is showing how in imperialism you extend rule over a nation. This cartoon shows theodore roosevelt traversing the globe, showing off his famous big stick. Classroom teacher garnet valley high school glen mills, united states. Winner of the standing ovation award for best powerpoint templates from presentations magazine. Sir colin campbell, the 1st baron clyde, had been appointed commander in chief of british forces in india. Imperialism and political cartoons 6th grade social studies. Enrichment activityscramble for africa imperialism in. Imperialism in africa egypt and the suez canal reading, cartoon and map this 6 page resource details the basic history of imperialism in africa in regards to egypt and the creation of the suez canal. Then students analyze a 1902 political cartoon about u. In recent times since at least the 1870s, it has often been considered morally.
If people did not, on the whole, care whether a larger or a smaller area of the map were coloured red, they could look on with equanimity at the friendly rivalries of trade a phrase with a definitely pre1870 ring. Using cecil rhodes as a picture of imperialism students outline the economic, political and social dimensions by asking three questions. According to the cartoon, which european countries were fighting for a position in africa. Imperialism political cartoon analysis chartpolitical cartoon title identify the.
After the wars, the british encouraged settlers to come to what they called the cape colony. He is holding africa in his hands as if he controls. This activity teaches students how to break down different elements of a political cartoon. Imperialism political cartoon analysis chart pages 1 18. He is holding africa in his hands as if he controls everything that goes on. European imperialism imperialism happens when one country uses its resources to extend political or economic control over another country or region of the world. Your role is to be a researcher helping to prepare the exhibit at the history museum. Pdf in recent years, the cultural tum in the history of imperialism has shed much new light on how agents of empire. Now realize your own political cartoon about scramble for africa and then show to the class sitting in circle time. Political cartoons providing commentary on colonialism and imperialism in africa, 1800spresent. Taking your knowledge from the research you will have a choice of activities you can complete to be part of the exhibit. Political cartoons african imperialism lairfan org.
Scramble for africa political cartoon analysis and worksheet with reading. What do you think the united states is trying to declare. Rights abuses, drought, famine, hunger, poverty, disease, dictatorship, civil war, and warlord. All three are reaching over and placing their hands on countries on. Berlin conference we have been engaged in drawing lines upon maps where no white mans foot has ever trod. Old imperialism was the oldfashioned way of taking over other places by just expanding their empires. African imperialism political cartoon analysis teacher. Create your own original political cartoon about the scramble for africa and imperialism in africa. Looking at the cartoon, what emotions are being shown about the struggle to control. The following map shows imperialism in asia by the start of world war i.
In this cartoon it shows what countries went through when trying to take over africa. Which asian nation in south east asia remains independent. Imperialism has been common throughout recorded history, the earliest examples dating from the midthird millennium bc. Students browse 8 different political cartoons from american imperialism and analyze the cartoons with prompts. British imperialism vintage and historic cartoons and caricatures from the cartoonstock directory the worlds largest online collection of cartoons.
The scramble for africa, also called the partition of africa or the conquest of africa, was the invasion, occupation, division, and colonisation of african territory by european powers during a short period known to historians as the new imperialism between 1881 and 1914. Germany, for instance, is portrayed as being interested in parts of africa while. It depicts a white man standing over africa in a manner that invites other european explorers to join him. Students examine how different symbols and images can be combined to convey meaning. In conclusion, these political cartoons represent both positive and negative views of european imperialism in the late nineteenth century, and they give us great insight into the mindset of those who both supported and rejected the theory of. Imperialism and colonialism of africa african history katherinezucco licensed for non commercial use only age imperialism cartoons in africa katherinezucco licensed for non commercial use only age. Imperialism is a policy or ideology of extending a countrys rule over foreign nations, often by military force or by gaining political and economic control of other areas. Students will be able to analysis the political cartoon and support their analysis with specific evidence in historical context. Imperialism political cartoons slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. New imperialism was the new way via their technology and when countries would administer foreign countries. Cattle disease that caused a disastrous famine in east africa in the late 1800s due to infected cattle imported from southern europe. The resource includes a reading based on the history of imperialism in egypt during the age of imperialism in africa.
A coaling station for steamships, cape town, south africa. Students first examine a political cartoon regarding cecil rhodes and then watch a short video of his life. Imperialism and colonialism cartoons images punch magazine. See more ideas about political cartoons, cartoon and history. Africa digital art, part of the guardian africa network. This cartoon appeared in punch in 1858, at the end of the indian mutiny also called the sepoy rebellion. South africa vintage and historic cartoons and caricatures from the. Students really grasp the concept of the us expanding its power when seeing uncle sam grow in the political cartoon. Imperialism with political cartoons by jeffrey davenport. Students political cartoon must either portray imperialism through the pers. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. The cartoon portrays rhodes uniting the african continent with telegraph lines. Theyll give your presentations a professional, memorable appearance the kind of sophisticated look that. Consequent to the political and economic rivalries among the european empires in the last quarter of the 19th century, partitioning africa was how the europeans.
Analyze this political cartoon together as a class, or use it as a do now like i do. Identify and explain at least two example of positive and negative effects of imperialism in each of the following regions of the world. Sometimes called the scramble for africa, european imperialism was caused by the loss of american colonies during 1700 and 1800s, as a result, france, britain, portugal, spain, germany fought for african territory to replace their lost american work force and source of raw materials. In conclusion, these political cartoons represent both positive and negative views of european imperialism in the late nineteenth century, and they give us great insight into the mindset of those who both supported and rejected the theory of imperialism and colonialism. It is showing all the men fighting for pieces of africa. It includes a one and a half page reading on the history and significance of king leopold ii and his brutal rule of the congo free state. Scramble for africa political cartoon analysis and. What is social darwinism and how did it affect european motives for imperialism. Imperialism in africa imperialism is defined as one countrys domination of the political, economic, and social life of another country. Imperialism in africa leopold ii and the congo reading and questions this 7 page resource details the role of leopold ii in the congo as part of imperialism in africa or the scramble for africa.
The political cartoon portrays the country that was the most aggressive to extend its authority. After looking at several examples, students will create their own political cartoons. The big stick policy of roosevelt was to show americas military might to the world to intimidate other nations into negotiating peace, just as one would carry a big stick to threaten others into submission. The age of imperialism community unit school district 200. This is a clip that is showing how africa is trying to get away from imperialism. It is being divided between caricatures of queen victoria of britain, william ii of germany who is squabbling with queen victoria over a borderland piece, while he thrusts.
Africaimperialism political cartoons by christine colby. Our main focus is using images to symbolize an idea in our notes, such as the scramble for africa. It shows that imperialism because they were forcing them to get an education picture 3. Song the imperial march darth vaders theme from star wars. The huge character that probably is in a tailoring shop is a representation of the united states of america while the other characters who are angrily watching represent the nations that were against the imperialism of the united states.
The empire strikes backscore artist john williams, london symphony orchestra. Political competition imperialism in africa reflected struggles for power in europe, such as long term rivalry between france, britain france expanded control over west, central africa. The political cartoon portrays the country that was the most aggressive to extend its authority over other nations. The following cartoon depicts the american policy of open door in china. I think this is where you have to remember old imperialism and the new imperialism. Use your textbook for background information what issue do you think this cartoon is about. Invision employees share their remote work secrets. John bull from england is represented in this cartoon in the shape of an octopus. Imperialism the domination by a country of the political, economec, or cultural life of another country or region. And of emperors, the qing official observes powerlessly as a pastry representing china is divided up by queen victoria of the united kingdom, kaiser wilhem ii of germany, czar nicholas ii of russia, and a samurai of japan.
This political cartoon represents imperialism in africa. We used our knowledge of political cartoons yesterday, to begin brainstorming for our own political cartoon about imperialism. Cartoons about africa, colonialism, imperialism from. During the napoleonic wars, the british established themselves in south africa by taking control of cape town, which was originally founded by the dutch. Britain began to expand colonial empire to block frenchnationalism a factor rise of germany, italy as powers contributed to the new imperialism. Worlds best powerpoint templates crystalgraphics offers more powerpoint templates than anyone else in the world, with over 4 million to choose from. What do you think the cartoonists opinion on this issue is.
All three are holding grabbags which probably represent their power to claim land on the globe in the center of them. Is this a proimperialist cartoon or antiimperialist cartoon. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Why do you think these european countries would be fighting for portions of africa. This cartoon from punch was meant to highlight the struggle between the people of the congo and king leopold ii. I am attaching the instructions and rubric about the assignment for students to view at home. How did the colonization of africa shape its political and cultural. Industrialization and imperialism video khan academy. In 1870, only 10 percent of africa was under formal european control. This cartoon shows africa being taken over and the reason why this leader wants to gain africa is because of the gold fields that africa had to offer. Students will examine the lingering effects of colonization. Abacha tayo fatunla nigeria the political cartoon is a. Imperialism in africa egypt and the suez canal reading. After decades of trade with many african countries, several european countries adopted imperial policies and began to encroach on the nations through manipulation and military force.
He lifted a siege on foreigners in lucknow and evacuated the survivors, and brought in british troops to quell the uprising among indian. Imperialism disrupted traditional african ways of life, political organization, and. In this french political cartoon from 1898, titled china the cake of kings. Factors promoting imperialism in africa several factors contributed to the. Great introductory resource for the imperialism unit in your social studies class. What was going on at this time that relates to this cartoon.
He stands over and watches the continent with complete disregard for the people that already live there. The tentacles are spreading imperialism to countries like name countries. Beginning in the 1880s, european nations imposed colonial control over most of africa. You will research how european imperialism in africa led to conflict, civil war and artificial boundaries. The main countries involved in the imperialism in africa were the french, german, and great britain. Imperialism cartoon, 1898 facing history and ourselves.
How did the berlin conference lead to the situation shown in this cartoon. According to this cartoon, which european countries. The political results of this new attitude were important. According to this cartoon, which european countries were fighting for a position in africa.
Political cartoon imperialism of africa in the cartoon, it shows three different people who are depicted as representatives of britain, germany, and dutch. Review the white mans burden and read the brown mans burden. Political cartoons this political cartoon represents imperialism in africa. Unit 5 industrialism, imperialism, and nationalism.
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